Publikationen: EAPCCT
2024 München
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Stuerzebecher A, Pitterling U, Gollmann M: The adder strikes back: severe symptoms in a dog after his fight with the European viper (Vipera berus) |
PDF Dokument |
Wessling J, Prasa D, Deters M: Human exposures to animals reported to the Poison Information Centre Erfurt from 2013 to 2022 | PDF Dokument |
2023 Mallorca
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Borski E, Deters M, Schulz K,Pietsch J, Stürzebecher A: Surprising lack of symptoms after potentially dangerous colchicine poisoning from Gloriosa superba (glory lily) tea | PDF Dokument |
Gollmann M, Deters M, Stürzebecher A: Iatrogenic medication errors – still a problem | |
Gollmann M, Michel A, Stürzebecher A: Household hazard due to hygiene products – a whole new form of “nappy rash” |
PDF Dokument |
Stürzebecher A, Deters M, Scholle M, Ziganshyna S: Successful organ transplantation after fatal yew ingestion | PDF Dokument |
2022 Tallinn
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Deters M, Gollmann M, Rau F, Stürzebecher A, Prasa D: Exposures to Psycholeptics and Cardiovascular Drugs during Heat waves | PDF Dokument |
Gollmann M, Wüst A, Prasa D: Toxicity of Bisoprolol Overdose in Children and Adults | |
Prasa D, Trompelt J, Groß S, Vagt A, Heier E-C, Klumb W, Stedtler U, Färber E, Reichert C, Zatloukal C, Genser D, Gollmann M: Ramipril-How toxic is it? |
PDF Dokument |
Rau F, Vanezi M, Al-Khalil R, Liebetrau G: Massive Venlafaxine Overdose Successfully managed with High-Dose Insulin Euglycemic Therapy and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | PDF Dokument |
2021 Mallorca
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Feistkorn E, Acquarone D, Ebbecke M, Eyer F, Prasa D, Seidel C, Stürer A, Tutdibi E, Hermanns-Clausen M: Human exposures to pesticides: results of a subproject of the German pilot study PiMont | |
Glaser N, Engel A, Tsatsari V, Klumb W, Schaper A, Eyer F, Rohdenburg S, Deters M, Tutdibi E, Begemann K, Acquarone D: Study on e-liquids: risk of exposure and effectiveness of regulation by Tobacco Products Directive 2 | |
Hermanns-Clausen H, Acquarone D, Stürer A, Eyer F, Ebbecke M, Deters M, Seidel C, Tutdibi E, Feistkorn E: National poisons centre data collection: pilot study on Pesticide Poisoning Monitoring in Germany (PIMONT-PES) | |
Stuerzebecher A, Groeneveld A, Lehmann T, Prasa D: Different courses of quetiapine poisoning in two patients with gastric decontamination |
PDF Dokument |
2019 Neapel
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Budenz B, Deters M, Prasa D, Hentschel H: Exposures to stomatological preparations, dental products, and exposures in the context of toothache reported to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt, 1997-2017 | PDF Dokument |
Gollmann M, Prasa D: Delayed arrhythmia after amisulpride overdose | PDF Dokument |
Stürer A, Feistkorn E, Begemann K, Glaser N, Acquarone D, Prasa D, Ebbecke M, Eyer F, Hermanns-Clausen M, Seidel C, Tutdibi E, Desel H: National poisons centre data collection: pilot study on Pesticide Poisoning Monitoring in Germany (PIMONT-PES) |
Stürer A, Kauth V, Sauer O, Acquarone D, Schaper A, Seidel C, Holzer A, Just S, Stedtler U, Degrandi C, Tutdibi E, Eyer F: Usability of the EAN-Code on product labels for product identification in poisons centres with a view to the upcoming Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) |
Stuerzebecher A, Machold B, Prasa D: Pitfalls of differential diagnosis: deep vein thrombosis or snake bite? | PDF Dokument |
Trompelt J, Klumb W, Prasa D, Reichert C, Faerber E, Holder-Koob E, Zatloukal C, Sauer O, Stürer A: Levetiracetam toxicity: a first step to identify the hospitalization threshold |
2018 Bukarest
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Deters M, Frimlova G, Gollmann M, Just S, Liebetrau G, Plenert B, Stuerzebecher A , Prasa D: Human H1-antihistamine exposures reported to the poisons Information Centre Erfurt from 2007 to 2016 | PDF Dokument |
Gollmann M, Prasa D, Trompelt J, Reichert C, Färber E, Stoletzki S, Stedtler U, Vagt A, Heistermann E, Zatloukal C: Escitalopram Overdose in Children and Adolescents | PDF Dokument |
Stuerzebecher A, Gollmann M, Liebetrau G, Borchers M, Poenisch W, Ernst T, Hellinger D, Prasa D: Severe Symptoms after IV Administration of Alpha Lipoic Acid for “Heavy Metal Detoxification” |
PDF Dokument |
2017 Basel
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Frimlova G, Hentschel H, Prasa D, Gollmann M, Liebetrau G, Plenert B, Stürzebecher A, Deters M : Exposures in refugees reported to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt, 2007–2016 | PDF Dokument |
Gollmann M, Prasa D, Stürzebecher A, Deters M: Iatrogenic medication errors in residential and care homes | PDF Dokument |
Stürzebecher A, Prasa D, Deters M, Hentschel H: Fatal ingestion of copper sulfate | PDF Dokument |
Stürzebecher A, Prasa D, Deters M, Hentschel H: Severe and prolonged symptoms after intrathecal administration of gadobutrol (Gadovist®) |
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2016 Madrid
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Frimlova G, Hentschel H, Prasa D, Gollmann M, Just S, Liebetrau G, Plenert B, Stürzebecher A, Deters M: Human exposures to opioid analgesics reported to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt from 2005 to 2014 | PDF Dokument |
Hahn A, Begemann K, Feistkorn E, Greiner M, Deters M, Hentschel H: Lessons to learn from fatal ingestion of Prunus laurocerasus leaves in a goat | |
Prasa D, Gros S, Just S, Färber E, Stoletzki S, Stedtler U, Seidel C, Vagt A, Heistermann E, Genser D, Dostal G: Citalopram overdose in children and adolescents | PDF Dokument |
Stürzebecher A, Liebetrau G, Deters M, Hentschel H: Trends in colchicine exposures reported to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt | PDF Dokument |
2015 Malta
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Färber E, Gros S, Heistermann E, Stedtler U, Dostal G, Stoletzki S, Genser D, Prasa D: Levodropropizine overdose: A multicenter analysis of poison center data | |
Hentschel H, Prasa D, Frimlova G, Just S, Liebetrau G, Plenert B, Stuerzebecher A, Deters M: Deadly Threat in the Preserving Jar | PDF Dokument |
Hentschel H, Prasa D, Frimlova G, Just S, Liebetrau G, Plenert B, Stuerzebecher A, Deters M: Development and periodicity of human exposures in suicidal intentention reported to the Poisons Information Centre (PIC) Erfurt from 2004 to 2013 | PDF Dokument |
Hermanns-Clausen M, Desel H, Färber E, Seidel C, Holzer A, Eyer F, Engel A, Prasa D, Tutdibi E, Stürer A: MAGAM II: Prospective observational multicentre poisons centre study on eye exposures caused by cleaning products | |
Hermanns-Clausen M, Schaper A, Holzer A, Koch I, Stürer A, Stürzebecher A, Rhode S, Kupferschmidt H: Causality assessment of fatal poisoning: Evaluation of the GfkT causality score | |
Just S, Gros S, Reichert C, Heistermann E, Hofmann-Walbeck P, Stedtler U, Seidel C, Färber E, Stoletzki S, Dostal G, Genser D, Prasa D: Duloxetine overdose - A case series | PDF Dokument |
Müller D, Neurath H, Just S, Liebetrau G, Desel H: Novel psychoactive substances: Findings in a regional toxicology center in 2014 | |
Schenk-Jaeger KM, Plenert B, Eckart D, Haberl B, Schulze G, Borchert-Avalone J, Stedtler U, Pfab R: Accidental Panaeolus foenisecii exposures: No clinically relevant effects in children | |
Stuerzebecher A, Frimlova G, Deters M, Hentschel H: Methotrexate exposures reported to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt | PDF Dokument |
2014 Brüssel
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Eidt J, Deters M, Kilian A, Radamm C, Stürzebecher A, Wagner R, Schaper A: Risk Profile Vipera Berus Bites | |
Hentschel H, Prasa D, Bergmann I, Enden G, Frimlova G, Just S, Liebetrau G, Plenert B, Stürzebecher A, Deters M: Human exposures to non-opioid analgesics reported to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt from 2003-201 | PDF Dokument |
Just S, Prasa D, Bergmann I, Enden G, Frimlova G, Hentschel H, Liebetrau G, Plenert B, Stürzebecher A, Thiede D, Deters M: Weever fish envenomation - analysis of enquiries to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt from 1994-2013 | PDF Dokument |
Liebetrau G, May J, Prasa D, Stürzebecher A, Deters M, Hentschel H: Exposures to liquid detergent capsules in children | PDF Dokument |
Pfab R, Haberl B, Plenert B, Schenk-Jaeger K, Romanek K, Eyer F: Echinoderma asperum: In vivo, acetaldehyde-syndrome after consumption together with alcohol (case series); in vitro, supression of acetaldehyde-dehydrogenase activity | |
Prasa D, Stedtler U, Seidel C, Hoffman-Walbeck P, Heistermann E, Reichert C, Färber E, Stoletzki S, Genser D, Dostal G: Pregabalin: An Assessment of its toxicity | PDF Dokument |
Prasa D, Stedtler U, Hoffmann-Walbeck P, Heistermann E, Reichert C, Seidel C, Färber E, Stoletzki S, Genser D, Gros S: Gabapentin overdose - A case series | PDF Dokument |
Seidel C, Hoffman-Walbeck P, Reinecke HJ, Stedler U, Prasa P, Rauber-Lüthy C, Färber E, Genser D: Levothyroxine: Acute toxicity in newborns |
2013 Kopenhagen
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Acquarone D, Stürer A, Seidel C, Rauber-Lüthy C, Genser D, Prasa D: Infants exposed to metformin: A case series | |
Bergmann I, Frimlova G, Just S, Schaper A, Stürzebecher A, Radamm C, Hentschel H: Blindness caused by self-treatment with the veterinary drug closantel | PDF Dokument |
Färber E, Wagner R, Prasa D, Plenert B, Stedtler U, Stoletzki S, Hermanns-Clausen M: Aspects of product safety which may facilitate the oral ingestion of cleaning and cosmetic products containing surfactant. Results from a prospective multicentre study in Germany | |
Hentschel H, Prasa D, Bergmann I, Enden G, Frimlova G, Just S, Liebetrau G, Plenert B, Stuerzebecher A, Deters M: Human exposures to veterinary medicines reported to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt from 2003-2012 | PDF Dokument |
Just S, Ackermann W, Deters M, Prasa D, Hentschel H: Clinical features and severity of clozapine poisoning | PDF Dokument |
2012 London
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Ceschi A, Hofer KE, Seidel C, Prasa D, Färber E, Hoffmann-Walbeck P, Stedtler U, Rauber-Lüthy C: Acute Toxicity Profile of Paliperidone in Overdose: A multicentre Consecutive Case Serie | |
Färber E, Wagner R, Prasa D, Plenert B, Stoletzki S, Stedtler U, Hermanns-Clausen M: Gastrointestinal Symptoms after Oral Ingestion of Cleaners and Cosmetic Products Containing Surfactant: Results from a Prospective Multicentre Study in Germany | |
Genser D, Reinecke HJ, Rauber-Lüthy C, Stedtler U, Prasa D, Hackl E, Hoffmann-Walbeck P, Seidel C, Färber E, Gerber-Zupan G: Toxicity of Mirtazapine Overdose: Results of a Multicentre Retrospective Review | |
Stedler U, Reinecke HJ, Hofmann-Walbeck P, Seidel C, Gerber-Zupan G, Färber E, Prasa D: Atomoxetine - Accidental Ingestion Seems Rarely Dangerous | |
Prasa D, Bergmann I, Enden G, Hentschel H, Just S, Liebetrau G, Plenert B, Stuerzebecher A, Deters M: Mono Exposures to Beta-Blockers Reported to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt from 2001-2010 | PDF Dokument |
Prasa D, Reinecke HJ, Rauber-Lüthy C, Seidel C, Hoffmann-Walbeck P, Gerber-Zupan G, Färber E, Stedtler U, Genser D: Overdose of Selective Serotonin (5HT1) Agonists | PDF Dokument |
Seidel C, Koch I, Reinicke HJ, Ebbecke M, Hueller G, Genser D, Ganzert M, Hermanns-Clausen M, Scheer M, Heppner HJ, Stürer A: Oral Toxicity of Buflomedil - Results of a Multicentre/Multinational Retrospective Case Series | |
Stürzebecher A, Plenert B, Liebetrau G, Hentschel H: Poisonings from Ingestion of Chlorate-Containing Herbicides | PDF Dokument |
2011 Dubrovnik
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Hentschel H, Bergmann I, Deters M, Prasa D, Huehne M: Overdose of methimazole | PDF Dokument |
Liebetrau G, Prasa D, Hentschel H, Deters M: Poisonings due to Substance Abuse reported to the PIC Erfurt | PDF Dokument |
Prasa D, Hoffman-Walbeck P, Barth S, Stedler U, Rauber-Lüthy C, Färber E, Genser D, Hentschel H: Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists - An Assessement of their Toxicity | PDF Dokument |
Färber E, Wagner R, Prasa D, Plenert B, Stoletzki S, Stedtler U, Hermanns-Clausen M: Respiratory Injuries after Oral Ingestion of Cleaning and Cosmetic Products Containing Surfactants. First Results from a Prospective Multicentre Study in Germany |
2010 Bordeaux
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Deters M, Friesecke S, Hentschel H: Fatal Poisoning caused by Felodipine | PDF Dokument |
Deters M, Koch I, Ganzert M, Hermanns-Clausen M, Stürer A, Hahn A, Meyer H, Szibor R, Ebbecke M, Heppner HJ, Hruby K, Reinecke HJ, Scheer M, Seidel C, Hentschel H: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning by Indoor Barbecue Reported to Different German Speaking Poison Information Centers and the BfR Berlin | PDF Dokument |
Kalentzi C, Wattenberg M, Ernstberger J, Deters M, Schaper A, Hentschel H: Yew can be really poisonous to You | PDF Dokument |
Kutz S, Heinicke D, Hentschel H, Deters M: Severe Mercury-Poisoning of a Child and Involvement of the whole Family | PDF Dokument |
Plenert B, Adler R, Bergmann I, Hentschel H: Lead Exposure by accidental Ingestion | PDF Dokument |
2009 Stockholm
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Bergmann I, Busse F, Hentschel H: Epidemic Of Lead Poisoning caused by adulterated Marijuana | |
Kutz S, Deters M, Behnke-Mursch J, Desel H, Hentschel H: Fatality after intrathecal Application of Methylene Blue | PDF Dokument |
Kutz S, Deters M, Pfeiffer L, Hentschel H: Difficulties in Baclofen Overdose | PDF Dokument |
2008 Sevilla
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Deters M, Prasa D, Schaper A, Hentschel H: Iatrogenic intravenous administration errors of drugs reported to the PICs Erfurt and Göttingen | |
Hentschel H, Deters M, Verbeek T, Reifenrath A: Pulmonary Aspiration of a Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) - Electrolyte Solution (KLEAN-PREP) | PDF Dokument |
Stedtler U, Behrens A, Gerber G, Hackl E, Hofmann-Walbeck P, Mathieu M, Prasa D, Rauber-Lüthy C, Reinecke HJ, Seidel C: Amlodipine. Collection and Analysis of Case Data in the Society of Clinical Toxicology of German Speaking Countries (GfKT) | PDF Dokument |
Sydow A, Wagner R, Hentschel H, Hüller G, Desel H: Iatrogenic Poisoning with Atropine containing Eye Drops | PDF Dokument |
2007 Athen
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Deters M, Prasa D, Hentschel H: Iatrogenic intravenous administration errors of drugs reported to the PIC Erfurt | |
Horn U, Prasa D, Roth C, Hentschel H: Acute Poisoning with Tricholoma Equestre as consequence of simvastatin-mushroom interaction | PDF Dokument |
2006 Prag
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Bergmann I, Roether M, Werner KP, Roemhild W, Michalak H, Hentschel H: Poisonous nightcap from poppy seeds | |
Deters M, Schoen H, Hentschel H: Soft tissue lesion after injection of hydrocarbons | PDF Dokument |
Stürer AW, Hüller G, Desel H, Kupferschmidt H, Weilemann LS: Categorization systems for substances in poisons centres | PDF Dokument |
2005 Berlin
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Binscheck T, Birkhahn HJ, Felgenhauer N, Gerber-Zupan G, Zilker T, Hentschel H, Lampe D: Intoxication with alpha-lipoic acid: case reports and toxicokinetic analysis | PDF Dokument |
Deters M, Jaeger S, Hentschel H: Falsely elevated serum digitoxin concentrations measured by immunoassay using murine antibodies in a clinically asymptomatic patient | PDF Dokument |
Eckart D, Seidel C, Faix M, Haberl B, Ganzert M, Giez J, Hüller G, Stedtler U, Stürer A: Cooperation between poisons information centres (PICS) for an update of the list of mushroom experts | |
Hentschel H, Prasa D, Freitag B, Schweder R: Citalopram poisoning and fatality | PDF Dokument |
Horn U, Roether M, Bergmann I, Hentschel H: Poisoning after ingestion of clonidine eye drops in children | PDF Dokument |
Stedtler U, Reinecke HJ, Desel H, Ganzert M, Hackl E, Hoffmann-Walbeck P, Meyer S, Prasa D, Seidel C, Wronski R, Stürer A: Poisons information centres in the society of clinical toxicology join forces to develop drug monographs to give advice in case of acute overdoses | |
Stürer A, Hruby K, Kupferschmidt H, Felgenhauer N, Hentschel H, Seidel C: A network within a network - Society of clinical toxicology of german, austrian and swiss poisons centres | |
Stürer A, Seidel C, Reinecke HJ, Mathieu-Nolf M, Hentschel H, Weilemann LS: Gastric lavage - A "dying" therapeutic procedure ? Quality control in a regional poisons centre and benchmarking within european poisons centres |
2004 Straßburg
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Desel H, Heinemeyer G, Ganzert M, Hahn A, Hüller G, Stürer A: Electronic product data exchange in europe - start of an international workgroup | |
Greyer H, Bergmann I, Hentschel H: Fatal poisoning with zinc hexafluorosilicate (Vogel-Fluat®) | PDF Dokument |
Hentschel H, Volkmann H, Grummt B, Feist D: Poisoning with Amanita regalis (brown fly agaric) | PDF Dokument |
2003 Rom
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Desel H, Ganzert M, Cordes T, Hahn A, Heinemeyer G, Hüller G, Stürer A: TDI - A network of information and case documentation in German poison centers | PDF Dokument |
Stürer A, Hüller G, Cordes T, Desel H, Heinemeyer G, Reinecke HJ, Seidel C, Stedtler U, Wagner R: TDI-project: A harmonized category-system for products in poison centers (PC) | PDF Dokument |
2002 Lissabon
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Radam M, Hamza A, Landgraf B, Fornara P: Successful multiorgan transplantation after donors death caused by suicidal methanol ingestion | PDF Dokument |
2001 Barcelona
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Freigang SH, Krohs S, Tiefenbach B, Hentschel H: Poisoning after local application of atropine eye drops in children | PDF Dokument |
Hentschel H, Fukala E, Bertram G: Unrecognized severe thallium poisoning | PDF Dokument |
2000 Amsterdam
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Bergmann I, Hentschel H, Müller W, Kluttig HJ: Severe Poisoning with the Herbicide Glufosinate (Basta®) | PDF Dokument |
Hentschel H, Bergmann I, Lampe J, Radam M, Münscher-Paulig F, Axthelm EH: Two Cases of Ingestion of Hawaiian baby wood rose (Argyreia nervosa) | PDF Dokument |
Hentschel H, Greyer H, Stein U: Ingestion of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) | PDF Dokument |
Stolpe HJ, Hentschel H, Hein C, Escher S, Drückler E, Zimmermann B, Tiefenbach B: Hepatic Injury after Ingestion of Gyromitra esculenta in Children | PDF Dokument |
1999 Dublin
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Hentschel H, Schweder R, Freitag B, Tiefenbach B, Kobow M, Greyer H: Talinolol poisoning | PDF Dokument |
Kluge, S, Ebert KP, Hunsicker I, Muth WG, Künzel R, Hoepffner W: Civil mass injury by by a zinc chloride smoke pot | PDF Dokument |
1998 Zürich
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Hahn A, Hentschel H, Michalak H, Begemann K, Heinemeyer G, Lampe J: Severe railroad transportation accident with vinyl-chloride | PDF Dokument |
Jonitz W, Ganzert M, Horsch A, Cordes T, Hüller G, Peters V, Siemon W, Stürer A, Wagner R: TOXINFO-2 - Electronic data exchange of product information between German Poison Information Centres, Manufacturers and a Federal Institute | PDF Dokument |
Kluge S, Erben R, Gebhardt E, Marx M Chlorobutanol poisoning - report of a suicidal attempt | PDF Dokument |
1997 Oslo
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Hahn A, Michalak H, Begemann K, Heinemeyer G, Hentschel H, Kluge S: Massive Pulmonary Complications in a Young Adult Following Lamp oil Aspiration | PDF Dokument |
Hentschel H, Jonitz W , Behrens A, Desel H: Acute Poisoning with Soldering Flux (Zinc Chloride in Hydrochloric Acid) - Is the early chelation therapy indicated? | PDF Dokument |
1996 Marseille
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Hüller G, Wolski M, Lampe J, Kluge S, Hentschel H: Data Collection of Poisoning Cases: The Application of an Extended Version of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification Index | PDF Dokument |
Kluge S, Oltmanns G, Müller H, Levin C, Hentschel H: Hydrogen sulphide: Report of an unusual accident during olfactometry | PDF Dokument |
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